On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:06 AM, Stefan Eissing
<stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:
> Could you, just as a rough description, list which
> test cases would have prevented the bugs? Maybe someone
> would feel like implementing them (or in case of a future
> code change there, could at least manually find some
> instructions on what to test in the mailing list archive).
> E.g.
> - configure slotmem as 1) XYZ, 2) ABC with persistence, 3) DEF...
> - start, request something, expect bla1
> - stop+start request another thing, expect bla2
> - graceful, request, expect bla3
> Just while it is fresh in your mind...

Looks like we had the same kind of idea :) Just asked the OP (PR
62308) to provide his/her tests to see if we can integrate them in our
test suite.
I'm not sure it can be done easily though (how to add/del balancers
and members between restarts in our perl framework?), so I agree that
in the meantime a least a description is important, will try to cook

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