On 05/23/2018 10:21 PM, Christophe Jaillet wrote:
I can reproduce the issue if I don't pass any --enable-mpms-shared paramater to ./configure.
Having --with-mpm=xx only also triggers the building issue.

What is your ./configure command line?

The initial ./configure command line was:

./configure --prefix=/home/build/target --with-apr=/home/build/target --with-apr-util=/home/build/target --enable-modules=most

Can you try to add --enable-mpms-shared=event (or =all) and re-configure and build?

I tried several combinations of --with-mpm=worker and --with-mpms-shared=all, but none of them worked (all attempts with "make clean"). The most recent attempt used the following ./configure command line:

./configure --prefix=/home/mlenk/Upstream/Apache/target --with-apr=/home/mlenk/Upstream/Apache/target --with-apr-util=/home/mlenk/Upstream/Apache/target --with-mpm=worker --with-mpms-shared=all --enable-mods-static=most --enable-load-all-modules


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