So we kind of left this hanging...

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:35 PM Gregg Smith <> wrote:

> On 6/15/2016 9:20 AM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
> > In building httpd.exe, some users don't build and install openssl. It
> isn't
> > going
> > to be possible to simply #include<openssl/applink.c>  without some
> > conditional
> > test. OpenSSL itself is partly the culprit, for not having an
> > style macro conditional. But we can work around this in the cmake tests.
> >
> This is why the patch creator put this inside a HAVE_OPENSSL block so
> ab.exe did not get this added. abs (at least on the dsp et. al.) is not
> built unless there is OpenSSL present.
> > I'll look at making this a standard bit of the httpd 2.4 build. We can
> > likely
> > add a user-toggled flag to the os/win32/os.h?
> Seems to me this is not needed .

So, is the win32 community in favor of using HAVE_OPENSSL to include
applink.c in the scope of main.c (as revised in the current ab.c sources,
to avoid this on libressl?)

There is a presumption that the crt used by libhttpd the same as libapr,
but I think this is a reasonable connection.

The entire logic to main.c should be as simple as...

#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && defined(_MSC_VER) &&
/* The following logic ensures we correctly glue FILE* within one CRT used
 * by the OpenSSL library build to another CRT used by the ab.exe build.
 * This became especially problematic with Visual Studio 2015.
#include <openssl/applink.c>

By inserting the structure in httpd.exe, that structure can be found by the
openssl library, which is not true of including this in a loadable library
such as libhttpd.dll or libaprutil-1.dll.

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