Thanks, Joe. Tried to get it running on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image, but there I 
cannot even get the necessary Perl modules installed via CPAN.

I give up.

> Am 10.10.2018 um 15:06 schrieb Joe Orton <>:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 02:52:13PM +0200, Stefan Eissing wrote:
>> I cannot get the test framework to properly initialise any longer (MacOS 
>> 10.14):
>>> t/TEST -clean
>>> t/TEST
>> [warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
>> ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl 
>> /Users/sei/projects/httpd/test/framework/trunk/t/TEST
>> [warning] generating SSL CA for asf
>> [   info] openssl req -new -x509 -keyout keys/ca.pem -out certs/ca.crt -days 
>> 365 -config conf/ca.cnf
>> Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
>> ..................+++
>> ..............................................................+++
>> writing new private key to 'keys/ca.pem'
>> -----
>> problems making Certificate Request
>> 4620047980:error:0DFFF07A:asn1 encoding routines:CRYPTO_internal:first num 
>> too 
>> large:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
>> 4620047980:error:0BFFF077:x509 certificate routines:CRYPTO_internal:invalid 
>> field 
>> name:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
>> [  error] configure() has failed:
>> system req -new -x509 -keyout keys/ca.pem -out certs/ca.crt -days 365 
>> -config conf/ca.cnf failed (exit status=1) at 
>> /Users/sei/projects/httpd/test/framework/trunk/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
>>  line 216.
>> [warning] forcing Apache::TestConfig object save
>> [warning] run 't/TEST -clean' to clean up before continuing
>> Any tips?
> Did you start from a fresh checkout?  I can't remember seeing that 
> particular error before but the whole thing is fragile as heck.
> I believe that t/modules/http2.t is dying in this:
>    my $old_ref = \&{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::_get_session' };
>    *{ 'AnyEvent::TLS::_get_session' } = sub($$;$$) {
> piece of magic which I don't understand but possibly needs updating for 
> TLSv1.3? Session handling is different now... everything is broken.
> The last output I get is:
> ok 24
> test case: TC0001, expecting 200: GET https://localhost:8557/
> test case: VHOST000, expecting 200: GET https://localhost:8557/
> setting host_name to localhost:8557
> Failed 28/52 subtests 
> so it looks like the perl script died completely somewhere around that 
> point.  My fedora 29 chroot has:
> # rpm -q perl-AnyEvent openssl perl-interpreter
> perl-AnyEvent-7.14-7.fc29.x86_64
> openssl-1.1.1-3.fc29.x86_64
> perl-interpreter-5.28.0-423.fc29.x86_64
> fwiw.

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