On 12 Jul 2019, at 01:14, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, definitely.
> - the location* are processed in config order.

My understanding is that we walk first to last, and the last matching 
configuration wins, and in theory that means the LocationMatch should win.

The trouble is Location is winning, and I can’t see why.

> - if/else directives are added to the dirconf
> - `require all granted `is merged into empty authz_core (or whatever)
> module config
> - ifwalk walks <if> sections
> - either of the if/else `require` directives have to be merged into
> the current authz_core dirconf
> Maybe some always-true <if> would get the `require all granted` to be
> merged in last when the locationmatch has it active.

So do the If sections in Location come back to life and re-override the 

My head is hurting.


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