On 12 Jul 2019, at 01:46, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> I am having the exact same problem with Directory and DirectoryMatch. When 
> there are Ifs in a Directory, the Directory overrides the DirectoryMatch, 
> even though the DirectoryMatch is more specific and should “win” (win meaning 
> be merged on top of all that has gone before it).

Here is a simpler example:

    <Directory /home/${HOST}/storage>
      Dav on
      SSLVerifyClient optional
        require valid-user
        require valid-user
    <Directory /home/${HOST}/storage/home>
      require all denied  <—— has no effect

Why, when a valid user is logged in (via cert or not cert), does httpd grant 
access to the file /home/${HOST}/storage/home/foo?

Most specifically, why does “require all denied” have no effect when a file 
matches that directory section?


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