On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 12:35:45AM +0200, Graham Leggett wrote:
> The most likely reason is because:
> a) http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/core.html#asyncfilter defaults to 
> request, meaning request filters are expected to support async filters; and
> b) the worker MPM doesn't call the ap_run_output_pending() hook, and 
> so by definition does not support async filters.
> The fix (as far as I can see) is for the worker MPM to run the 
> ap_run_output_pending() hook.

Only 3/8 trunk MPMs have that call, so those are all broken right now?  
I know we have seen this fail for both prefork and worker in Travis.

> What happens if you set "AsyncFilter connection”? Does it skip the problem?

Are you unable to repro using the script I posted in the thread Ruediger 
referenced to confirm?  If this is the correct default I guess I'd ask 
why isn't this hard-coded - at least maybe for affected MPMs?  Maybe try 
it and see if the Travis failures go away.

Regards, Joe

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