On Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 08:44:46PM +0100, Rüdiger Plüm wrote:
> On 12/1/20 4:02 PM, Yehuda Katz wrote:
> > Would a crazy option 4 be to add VENDOR_APLOGNO() which could add a prefix 
> > to the log number to be used in any patches?
> >
> > For example, V_APLOGNO('R', 123) could produce AHR123
> >
> > This would make it clear that the error comes from a patch from another 
> > distribution.
> Sounds like a good idea, as this would allow each vendor to manage its 
> own number range independently from each other and us and it would be 
> easy to spot such vendor specific error numbers in any kind of 
> reports.

I dunno, this seems a bit over-engineering, upstream we'd have to 
maintain somewhere a registry of the special vendor prefixes as well as 
a new macro?  I really just want to be able to use APLOGNO() as-is in 
backports.  If there's no appetite for allocating vendor ranges, we'll 
just omit the APLOGNO() altogether in "vendor"ed log messages, it's not 
really a big deal.

Regards, Joe

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