On 3/3/21 11:56 AM, Joe Orton wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 11:06:20AM +0100, Stefan Eissing wrote:
>> Hi,
>> could someone from infra shed some light on what the current status of 
>> the subversion/github integration is? Is there some documentation 
>> about the state of things?
>> I am asking because some devs seem to use it, there are PRs out there, 
>> but attempts to push a new branch to g...@github.com:apache/httpd.git 
>> are being denied.
> The git repo is a read-only mirror from Subversion.  You can file PRs 
> from forked repos but you cannot push commits directly to any branch of 
> the apache/httpd repos via git.  So, the standard github workflow can be 
> used with PRs (etc) except the merge step has to be done via SVN.
> Does that help?  I wrote a brief overview of the workflow in trunk at 
> test/README.travis FWIW.

I have some scripts in beta state that allow to

- Create a backport proposal PR from a number of trunk revisions.
- Apply such a backport proposal PR to a svn working copy.
- Apply a PR against trunk to a svn working copy

If someone has a good idea where to store them in our svn tree (outside of the 
httpd source itself) I am happy to commit and share



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