Hi Yann,

I see an crash and log entries:

[mpm_event:error] [pid 28031:tid 4595580416] (9)Bad file descriptor: AH00468: 
error closing socket
[core:crit] [pid 28031:tid 4595580416] AH00102: [Mon Mar 08 11:32:48 2021] file 
event.c, line 565, assertion "0" failed

when a client opens a connection and closes it right away, not sending 
anything. My tls modules sees EOF in the in filter and returns it, setting 
c->aborted = 1.

I am not sure what the failed assertion is about. Is there a double close of 
the socket? Seems I do handle the connection state in such a case not quite as 
it is expected.

- Stefan

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