On 9/1/21 12:08 PM, ste...@eissing.org wrote:
> Having a look at the release scripts and how they work. 
> I think we can use SVN and its branches/tags in a bit smarter way
> and make things easier. As Christophe mentioned, he would like a
> "--dry-run" option, because when things do not run smoothly to the
> end, you have not only a local messed-up state but the SVN repro
> itself is also changed without easy remedies.
> I propose to do all work up to release testing in separate,
> temporary branches that can simply be removed and restarted.
> This would not require a rewrite of the release scripts, but
> some re-ordering and branch name changes.
> - checkout branches/2.4.x
>   - make sure change-entries are merged, commit
>   - test branch locally for health
>   - svn cp . branches/2.4.49-tmp
> - svn switch to branches/2.4.49-tmp
>   - update versions, build docs, etc on that
>   - commit this into branches/2.4.49-tmp
>   - svn mv branches/2.4.49-tmp branches/2.4.49-candidate
> - svn switch to branches/2.4.49-candidate
>   - create tar files and signature from -candidate
>   - make them available for testing
>   - announce release voting
> #
> # everything up to here can be reverted by "svn rm"
> #
> - switch to branches/2.4.x 
>   - bump versions in branches/2.4.x to 2.4.50

Sounds good. One addition on this flow: I would like to see the build docs 
results finding their way back into the 2.4.x branch.
Probably by redoing build docs after switching back to branches 2.4 in the last 



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