Release often?  let me tell you of a story from a System Administrators
perspective as to why thats bad and should be avoided and you should learn
from other people's mistakes

There is a reason sysads dislike developers, they have this "oh new code
gotta push it out right away" mentality, but we push back saying nope we
just did your upgrade it can wait will another one, and the golden rule is
nobody updates anything during the christmas "embargo" period which I
believe Noel was referring to, this generally is from two weeks before
Christmas, til two weeks after the start of the New Year.

There was once this young guy who developed this shiny new yet highly
popular internet daemon, in its infancy it was a wizzbang and everybody
loved it and was moving to it, the problem soon arose that every new
feature was pushed out, and as murphy dictates, problem be found, sometimes
sysads were having to update this highly popular software every few weeks,
sometimes more, there was even a few times we recall having to update it
three times in just ONE week because of this push push push mentality, this
results in a large percentage of sysads pushing back and refusing to test
let alone update, over time this continued, new releases every few weeks,
tiresome - like we have nothing better to do but upgrade the same software
over and over and over, wasn't going to happen, and didn't happen, some of
these were to fix nasty exploitable problems, but almost nobody bothered
because "jesus christ another bloody update"... a lot of people were burned.

That same project did get a lot better with a rewrite of its code and a
move to a new "major release" the updates still came, but not thick and
fast, this made sysads much happier, the developer had learned push often
is not what system and network operators want, now days sysads love that
project, it releases every few months on average which we can accept and
has much fewer bugs, and rarely anything severe.

That project, is called   dovecot

On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 1:17 AM Mladen Turk <> wrote:

> On 06/12/2021 11:36, Stefan Eissing wrote:
> > Friends of httpd, how do you feel about a release in the next two weeks?
> >
> +1
> Release early, release often
> Regards
> --
> ^TM

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