On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 2:02 PM Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
> Looks like mod_reqtimeout’s capabilities are overstated at this point - the 
> module neatly steps out the way and does nothing the moment it sees a non 
> blocking connection:
> https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/trunk/modules/filters/mod_reqtimeout.c#L226

Well, this is after check_time_left()..

> I imagine what we need in the async case is to have the ability to override 
> the timeout on the connection,

Which is what mod_reqtimeout does already by applying a "time self" to
the socket timeout.

> and have the MPM react to that timeout. The pattern would then be set the 
> timeout and return APR_EAGAIN, let the mpm handle the timeout.

Or let the MPM apply the (dynamic-)timeout set on the socket.

> We also need to teach mod_reqtimeout’s code that SSL/TLS libraries sometimes 
> want to write:
> https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/trunk/modules/filters/mod_reqtimeout.c#L293

Yeah, mod_reqtimeout is missing context and states transitions, that's
why I was talking about better interaction.

Btw, I'm not sure what the SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE semantics are in
openssl/mod_ssl but with the async handshake we can either always
poll() in the MPM before trying to actually read/write on the socket
(which could be quite painful for usual cases), or first try to
read/write and set the WANT_READ/WRITE flag afterward only if EAGAIN.
AIUI, mod_ssl currently FLUSHes all the packets during handshake which
means that writes can block still, how is that handled?


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