
I've been doing some reading about the recently-publicized Big-IP vulnerability and I was wondering if httpd is doing the right thing.

According to Randori's analysis[1] of the flaw, there is confusion between Apache httpd and Jetty (introduced by Big-IP) as to which component is responsible for authentication and authorization.

The root of the problem is that they have two different authentication mechanisms for different types of users. It's possible to send a request that tells Apache httpd "I will be authenticated by Jetty" and by the tie the request gets to Jetty it says "I've already been authenticated". This is done using some headers:

  Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46
  X-F5-Auth-Token: 1
  Connection: X-Forwarded-Host, X-F5-Auth-Token

Big-IP uses the X-F5-Auth-Token to tell httpd that Jetty will authenticate the request, so it proxies the request through to Jetty. But the Connection header causes httpd to strip-out the X-F5-Auth-Token header as it's being proxied and then Jetty makes a bad decision with the Authorization header.

But I'm wondering about why httpd removes that X-F5-Auth-Token header.

RC 2616[1] says that the Connection header contains headers to remove from proxied connections, but:

Message headers listed in the Connection header MUST NOT include
end-to-end headers, such as Cache-Control.

Section 13.5.1[3] defines hop-by-hop and end-to-end headers:

 The following HTTP/1.1 headers are hop-by-hop headers:

      - Connection
      - Keep-Alive
      - Proxy-Authenticate
      - Proxy-Authorization
      - TE
      - Trailers
      - Transfer-Encoding
      - Upgrade

   All other headers defined by HTTP/1.1 are end-to-end headers.

Given the above, I believe the interpretation of X-F5-Auth-Token should be that it is an end-to-end header, and should therefore NOT be removed from the proxied request.

The text does say "All other headers *defined by HTTP/1.1* are end-to-end headers" (emphasis mine, of course), and the X-F5-Auth-Token header isn't defined by HTTP/1.1 (it's a custom one), but I think the definition of specific hop-by-hop headers implies that *all* other headers should be considered end-to-end.

Have I missed something in my reading of the spec, or the vulnerability report itself?



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