
I'm assuming that most people who need the DAO framework have discovered the 
multitude of IoC containers out there.

----- Original Message ---- 

From: Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org; dev@ibatis.apache.org 

Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 2:28:16 AM 

Subject: Deprecating the DAO framework? 


Hi all, 


I think we should deprecate the iBATIS DAO framework for these reasons: 


In my opinion, the iBATIS Mapper does a fantastic job of isolating the 
persistence layer as is.   

I've personally started to shy away from data access layers.  

For most applications, there's no big deal in having a dependency on 
SqlMapClient.If you do use a DAO layer, I suggest Spring DAOIf you can't use 
Spring DAO, I suggest writing your own DAO layer that is as simple as possible 
and tuned for your environment. I don't believe very many people use the DAO 
framework, for those that do, you can safely continue to do so.  It hasn't 
changed in years, and so it likely won't.   

Deprecation would basically mean we take it off the website as a downloadable 
component and remove the doc links etc.  Of course we'd still answer the odd 
question on the mailing list, but we'd likely not adopt any changes and 
possibly not even fix any bugs (but you're welcome to take the source and use 
it under the Apache License).  


What do you think?  Thoughts? 








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