Messages by Thread
Need help on calling stored procedure from ibatis
prabu p
What is the JDK version required for iBatis latest
Moving iBatis to the Attic
Henri Yandell
[ANNOUNCEMENT] iBATIS Project Team Moving to Google Code
Clinton Begin
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-790) Wiki sign up not working
Clemens Fuchslocher (JIRA)
License header in source files
Tim Williams
Clinton Begin
Wiki down?
innes . johnston
iBatis 3 Java, an annotation for select, with result map in XML
[VOTE] Use Sonatype Nexus for Maven Releases
Clinton Begin
Changed Maven Artifact ID and location for iBATIS 3
Clinton Begin
MetaClass.findProperty usage in NestedResultSetHandler.createRowKeyForUnmappedProperties
help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Alexei Sokolov
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Clinton Begin
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Alexei Sokolov
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Clinton Begin
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Alexei Sokolov
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Clinton Begin
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Alexei Sokolov
Re: help with ibatis 3 & objectwrapper, metaobject, etc.
Clinton Begin
Migrator: system properties via command line.
Marco Speranza
Maven Releasing Questions
Jeff Butler
Project Champion
IBatis2.3.4 throws : java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type when property is not set in POJO while inserting data.
Mapper interfaces inheritance
Simone Tripodi
Small suggestion - method for checking if a DB transaction is in progress
Possible race condition using org.apache.ibatis.cache.Cache#hasKey ?
Simone Tripodi
SoftCacheTest is Failing
Dan Forward
iBATIS 2.3.5 release plan
Kai Grabfelder
IBATUS - Fetching a List of List of Strings from the XML Mapping - Help Needed
shiva kumar
Small error in v3 manual : conditional "&&" is not allowed
1st level cache control
Search for character '_', '%' wildcard characters using ibatis
Issue with join of 2 tables in Ibatis
Ibatis with my own pool
Jeremy Jardin
[iBatis 3] Cache troubles
Simone Tripodi
Bug IBATIS-679
Poitras Christian
Default value for nested property: #query.maxResults:int:0#
Yuri de Wit
Caching improvements
Simone Tripodi
Programmatically add a statement
Joseph Piron
DB portability for iBatis 3 Mappers
Ibatis Migrator using a JNDI based connection
Leandro Sales
Increased memory footprint while mapping explicit NULL columns of a cursor to java String property
Raghavendran Chellappa
[jira] Created: (IBATISNET-293) Allow DataMapper to execute in Medium Trust environments
Michael McCurrey (JIRA)
[jira] Closed: (IBATIS-360) iterate a property of array of objects and using isEqual tag to compare an attribute ex:(id) of this object with a value. ex: "list[].id"
Clinton Begin (JIRA)
[jira] Closed: (IBATIS-247) Triage Wish List TXT file from old doc directory
Clinton Begin (JIRA)
[jira] Closed: (IBATIS-122) Upload jars to ibiblio
Clinton Begin (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-625) Mapper interfaces cannot have the class name as the XML file mapped to them
Christian Poitras (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-624) Setter is expected if column name is same as property name
Gabriel Axel (JIRA)
Mysql Like statement - blank spaces
Joseph Piron
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-623) Generated migration script are not valid for MySQL
Ken Chau (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-622) Nested Results for Association
Bukarev Alexandr (JIRA)
How would you design a unified =/is operator for SQL?
Clinton Begin
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-621) Improper cache create mechanism
Yuan Tao (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-620) "select count(*) from table" return BigDecimal value in Oracle
Yuan Tao (JIRA)
Does ibatis 2.x OSGi ready?
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-619) "select" can not work with a "include" tag in sql mapping file.
Yuan Tao (JIRA)
[VOTE] Release iBATIS 3.0 for Java Beta 1
Clinton Begin
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-618) Provide SQLExecutor's an opportunity to initialise state at initialization time
Abhigyan Agrawal (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-617) Bug executing select statements with ScriptRunner
Adelchi Missio (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-616) Semantics of setMaxRowSize in JDBC is not properly incorporated in iBATIS
carbontrans (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-615) Preparestatement cache bug
saravanan (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-614) iterate tag does not function as specified in the Developer guide
Mihai Victor Popescu (JIRA)
Concerns on Large Number of Maps and Load time
James Armstead
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-613) "Exhausted Resultset" error when using multiple subselects with oracle driver and lazy loading enabled
aaron pieper (JIRA)
SqlMapClient and knowing when a transaction already started
Yuri de Wit
How to set Prefetch size on the resultSet level in IBATIS
Raghavendran Chellappa
New iBATIS Website
Clinton Begin
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-612) Publish Ibator to maven repository, for easier plugin development
Chadwick (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-611) Include license info in project pom
Stevo Slavic (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-610) how to use partameterMap in ibatis
mona (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-609) ibator does not support generics in javaType attribute
Erik van Oosten (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-608) Add Propertychangelistener support
joseph olson (JIRA)
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-607) iBator throws an NPE when there is no daoGenerator specified
Andy Kriger (JIRA)
Anyone running Apache.Ibatis.DataMapper.SqlClient.Test ?
Ron Grabowski
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-606) Small Bug "Closing Bracket mark missing" in Sample provided - In distribution
Swanand Khanzode (JIRA)
[ibatis2] changes to lazy loading
Kai Grabfelder
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-605) add INFORMIX special predefined value for ibator's <generatedKey> tag
Gabriel Belingueres (JIRA)
JPA Annotations + iBatis
Yuri de Wit
[iBATIS3] parameterMap Removed (please)?
Jeff Butler
sql in sqlMap
[iBATIS3] SQL Parsing Question
Jeff Butler
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-604) Overwriding property in result
Replace Apache.Ibatis.Common.Data.IDbProvider with System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory ?
Ron Grabowski
[iBATIS 3] Nested Result Mappings
Clinton Begin
Fwd: DB Error
Glenn Barnard
[jira] Created: (IBATIS-603) Properties Tag in SqlMapConfig
David (JIRA)