Our procedure is to open a JIRA enhancement request and attach the files to
it.  However - you don't need to attach the files if you don't want to .  I
understand the request and it is, as you say, very simple to implement.

Jeff Butler

On 8/25/07, Daniel Kasmeroglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there, I'm new here on this list, so please be patient with me. I've
> needed a function
> 'countByExample' in my DAOs which has been written nearly everytime using
> custom sqlmaps
> which was a bit annoying.
> Therefore I've took the current Abator release (1.0.0-238) and modified
> the source, so
> each DAO now get's a 'countByExample' function.
> This function is basically the result of copy&paste since it's very
> similar to
> 'selectByExample'.
> I would like to contribute these changes to Abator but I haven't found
> some corresponding
> information on the site (or is it possible to attach files to JIRA feature
> requests which
> I haven't found ?). Generally I'm used to send such contributions to one
> of the developers
> which would aprove them, so how can I achieve this task for Abator ?
> If someone here's interested in this patch, it can be found under
> http://www.kasisoft.net/pub/abator-patch.zip . It only contains the
> modified files.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ciao
> Kasimir

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