That's good to hear. I'm too lazy to go confirm much of this :). So,
thanks for doing some foot work to find examples where this is being
used without problem. I know Maven provides for this feature. But, I
have run across other features that were provided for and wound up
causing headaches. Anyway, this is all good feedback.


On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great Summary Brandon.
> Given that Maven allows one to specify the resources folder (and even filter
> out certain files, like we will for .java files eventually), and considering
> that it does not cast a warning or error upon setting the resource directory
> to the source directory, I would consider it a feature supported by Maven.
> If we do encounter issues, I won't be shy about filing a bug report with
> either Maven or any plug-ins that have a problem with this configuration.
> iBATIS is not the only project to use this sort of setup.  Hibernate also
> has classpath resources that sit directly beside the class files.  While
> some may choose to separate them out for a very good reason, I believe most
> keep them in the exact same directory structure.  So I would bet that this
> is quite a common practice.
> Cheers,
> Clinton
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Brandon Goodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> There was a private discussion regarding the project layout and maven
>> default conventions. I wanted to put the discussion out in front of
>> everyone else, purely to get feedback and thoughts.
>> At the moment the src directory contains source *and* resources. Maven
>> has been configured to recognize the src/main/java as the resources
>> and java directory. The reason for this is that it can get tedious to
>> move between the java and resources directory rather than just edit a
>> resource in the same package as the java class.
>> The approach of using the java directory as a dual purpose directory
>> is a departure from Maven's default directory structure. The concern
>> of departing from that structure is that it may cause additional
>> difficulties as we make heavier use of maven for coverage and
>> reporting. If we experience difficulties in the future with Maven
>> (because we all know it can be temperamental) it may be that we start
>> having to separate all the resource files out of the java directory in
>> order to eliminate it as a cause.
>> So in summary...
>> Current reasons for dual purpose java directory:
>> * iBATIS 3 will make use of convention configuration and the visual
>> proximity of resources to java is more visually correct
>> * All around less directory clutter
>> Concerns and counterpoints to making the java directory dual purpose:
>> * Most IDEs can merge the resource and java directories in a package view.
>> * We run the risk of avoiding potential maven headaches with plugins
>> that don't handle the combined java/resources approach.
>> In the end the question would be... Is it better to have coding
>> convenience or follow the maven default approach of separating java
>> and resource? Any experiences and comments are welcome.
>> Brandon

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