Yeah, I think that would be pretty simple.  The only thing I'd have to
ensure is that the XML is loaded first, which may be harder than it sounds.

File a Jira Feature Request and we'll see what we can do.


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Travis <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I recently have been upgrading my iBatis 2.x projects to now use iBatis 3.
>  I really appreciate the work done to create this new Mapper interface. And
> related I have started to play with having some of the simpler queries live
> as @Select annotations on the mapper interface method now instead of in the
> XML.
> I noticed for the @Select annotation, it is possible to have the results of
> the statement mapped to a java bean if I use the @Results annotation.
> Would it be possible to create a new annotation (or does one exist already
> and I just have not found it yet),  where I can specify that @Select results
> should be a <resultMap>  that exists in the mapper XML file ?
> For example,
> Consider a "country" table,
> [code]
> (
>   CODE varchar(2) NOT NULL,
>   ISO_CODE varchar(3) NOT NULL,
>   NAME varchar(2147483647),
>   COUNTRY_CODE varchar(10),
> );
> [/code]
> And the java Bean,
> [code]
> public class Country {
>  Long    id;
>  String  code;         // 2 digit ISO country code
>  String  isoCode;      // 3 digit ISO country code
>  String  name;         // string name
>  String  countryCode;  // the telephone dialing prefix (e.g. +1)
>  boolean active = true;
>  // and all the get()  set() methods for these bean properties
> }
> [/code]
> And then the mapper interface,
> [code]
> public interface CountryDAO {
>  /**
>  * Selects all country entries.
>  * Though it appears when we use the annotations, we need to specify the
> results every time ?
>  */
>  @Select( value = { "select * from country where active = true" })
>  @Results(value = {
>      @Result(property="id"),
>      @Result(property="code"),
>      @Result(property="isoCode", column="iso_code"),
>      @Result(property="name", column="name"),
>      @Result(property="countryCode", column="country_code"),
>      @Result(property="active", column="active")
>  })
>  List<Country> getAllActive();
>  // TODO: all these methods would also be select queries, where I would
> want the same results map as above
>  Country getById(Long id);
>  Country getByCode(String code);
>  Country getByIsoCode(String isoCode);
> }
> [/code]
> Where, instead of the @Results  annotation, which would need to be
> duplicated with its nested @Result annotations on every select method that I
> want to return the same mapping, what I would wish to have would be
> something like a
> @ResultMap(value="myMapperID")
> annotation, where the myMapperID would be the ID of a <resultMap> I have
> declared in the mapper's xml file that will be included by the
> SqlMapConfig.xml (which I have anyway to bind to this mapper interface, and
> also because I have some more complex queries declared in the xml mapper
> file too).
> Where in this example, I already have a
> [code]
> <mapper namespace="CountryDAO">
> <resultMap type="Country" id="countryResult">
> <result property="id" column="id"/>
> <result property="code" column="code"/>
> <result property="isoCode" column="iso_code"/>
> <result property="name" column="name"/>
> <result property="countryCode" column="country_code"/>
> <result property="active" column="active"/>
> </resultMap>
> [/code]
> So this wishful @ResultMap annotation would then make the mapper interface
> look like:
> [code]
> public interface CountryDAO {
>  @Select( value = { "select * from country where active = true" })
>  @ResultMap(value = "countryResult")
>  List<Country> getAllActive();
>  // and now other things that want to select into this map can do so,
> re-using the single map declaration
>  // that is referenced in the xml.
>  @Select( value = { "select * from country where id = #{id} })
>  @ResultMap(value = "countryResult")
>  Country getById(Long id);
>  @Select( value = { "select * from country where code = #{code} })
>  @ResultMap(value = "countryResult")
>  Country getByCode(String code);
>  @Select( value = { "select * from country where isoCode = #{isoCode} })
>  @ResultMap(value = "countryResult")
>  Country getByIsoCode(String isoCode);
> }
> [/code]
> I think having something like this @ResultMap annotation would be a good
> thing to have,  what do you think?
> --
> Travis
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