Got commiter rights and merged these minor changes to 1.4.


On 9/19/2015 9:32 PM, Denis Magda wrote:
Applied these cosmetic changes.

Could anyone with commit rights apply the patch to 1.4 branch? It doesn't make sense to create an issue and pull-request for such minor changes.
The patch is attached.


On 9/19/2015 5:53 PM, Dmitriy Setrakyan wrote:
On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Denis Magda <> wrote:


I've faced with some confusing places in cache related documentations.
Before fixing it I want to be sure that my understanding is correct.

- CacheAtomicityMode.TRANSACTIONAL. There is a sentence saying: /"However,
cache * atomicity mode will be changed to {@link #ATOMIC} starting from
version {@code 5.2}, * so it is recommended that desired atomicity mode is
explicitly configured * instead of relying on default value."
/In my understanding it's time to remove the sentence, correct?

Agree, let's remove it.

- CacheConfiguration.getAtomicityMode() returns null if the mode wasn't
explicitly set. But this is not highlighted in the documentation.
I propose to initialize internal variable with DFLT_CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE
at the time the CacheConfiguration instance is being created .
Is anyone knows a reason why we should initialization logic as is?

I don't mind, but we must make sure whether the "null" value in
configuration gets a special treatment.

- CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC. There is a sentence: /"This mode is currently
implemented for {@link CacheMode#PARTITIONED} caches only."
/This seems to be an outdated info. I can easily create a replicated cache
with atomic mode.
Let's remove the sentence?

Yes, let's remove it (this is very misleading).


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