On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:29 AM, Alexey Kuznetsov <akuznet...@apache.org>

> Dmitriy,
> >> Can you provide a simple example of API calls that will make this
> possible?
> API could be like this:
> 1) via scheduler:
> Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(....);
> ignite.scheduler().schedulel(job, "0 0 * * *"); // This will execute job
> every day at 00:00
> 2) via compute
> Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(....);
> ignite.compute().schedulel(task, "0 0 * * *"); // This will execute
> compute
> task every day at 00:00
> Make sense?
Yes, it does, but I am failing to see how is this a *distributed*
scheduling. Are we persisting the scheduler somewhere in the cluster or is
it only triggered on the client side?

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