Sounds like a positive step forward. I have several comments:

1. "More Features" should be all the way at the bottom
2. "What is Ignite" should go under Features
3. I would remove the words "Distributed" from the navigation menu and
leave "Key-Value" and "SQL". Otherwise, you would be adding the word
"distributed" to every menu item.


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Denis Magda <> wrote:

> The list formatting was broken by ASF mail engine. Fixed below.
> > On Nov 22, 2017, at 2:51 PM, Denis Magda <> wrote:
> >
> > - What’s Ignite?
> > - Features
> >   — Distributed Key-Value
> >   — Distributed SQL
> >   — ACID Transactions
> >   — Machine Learning
> >   — Multi-Language Support
> >   — More Features…
> > - Architecture
> >   — Overview
> >   — Clustering and Deployment
> >   — Distributed Database
> >   — Durable Memory
> >   — Collocated Processing
> > - Tooling
> >   — Ignite Web Console
> >   — Data Visualization and Analysis

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