
We are working on proposal described in IEP-14 Ignite failures
handling [1] and it's time to discuss it with community (although it
was necessary to do this before).

Most important question: what should be default behaviour in case of
failure? There are 4 actions:

1. Restart JVM process (it's possible only if process was started from
ignite.(sh|bat) script)
2. Terminate JVM;
3. Stop node (if there is only one node in process then process will
be also terminated);
4. No operation.

I believe that node should be stopped by default. But there is chance
that node will not stopped correctly.

May be we should terminate JVM process by default. But it will kill
all nodes in the JVM process. It's especially bad behaviour in case
when nodes belong different Ignite clusters (real use case).

May be we should restart JVM process default. This approach has the
same problems as the previous one. And additionally it could lead to
continues restarts and, therefore, continues exchanges and

Difficult choice. Could you please share your thoughts.


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