Hi Igniters, Anton,

According to my experience upsource works well, except 1 suspicious case
with my PR.

So I'm not sure if there are Upsource problems, probably there are problems
with some of our PRs?

My example is https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/3243 PR and
https://reviews.ignite.apache.org/ignite/review/IGNT-CR-513 ,- it is quite
old PR, so I can suppose it is some commit problem.

Dmitriy Pavlov

пт, 6 апр. 2018 г. в 14:23, Anton Vinogradov <a...@apache.org>:

> Igniters.
> Who is responsible for Upsource [1]?
> I see some strange things at reviews, a lot of fake changes inside reviews.
> I don't see such changes at PRs.
> Could you please check we're using stable version and update if necessary?
> [1] https://reviews.ignite.apache.org

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