Hi, Stepan!

I looked at the benchmark code and the overall methodics, discussed it with fellow programmers, and came up with basically two remarks.

First of all, I think, the key for the good (or, at least, unobjectionable) measurement is to isolate the object being measured from the influence of the measurement tool. The usual pattern we use in Python looks like:

from time import time

bench_start = time()

for _ in range(number_of_tests):

bench_end = time()

print('Performance is {} tests per second'.format(
    number_of_tests / (bench_end - bench_start)

I think, you got the idea: the measurement consists almost solely of the time taken by our subject function `do_test`. As few other code as possible influence the result.

Now, let's take a look at your code:


Ideally, the `while` loop should include only `cache.put(last_key, some_precomputed_value)`. But instead it also includes:

- a series of the `time()` calls, which could be mostly excluded from the measured time, if the measurement done right; each call is probably addresses the HPET device, or network time, or both,

- some floating-point calculations, including `round()`, which is hardly necessary,

- formatting and output of the intermediate result.

I suppose the measurement influence can be quite significant here, but it is at least more or less constant for each test.

But if we look at the other benchmarks:

https://gist.github.com/pilshchikov/8a4bdb03a8304136c22c9bf7217ee447 [Node.js]
https://gist.github.com/pilshchikov/b4351d78ad59e9cd923689c2e387bc80 [PHP]
https://gist.github.com/pilshchikov/08096c78b425e00166a2ffa2aa5f49ce [Java]

The extra code that influence the measurement is not equivalent across all platforms. For example, PHP's `time()` is most probably lighter than Python `time()`, since it do not give out milliseconds and may address RTC, not HPET. So the platform-to-platform comparison in your benchmark does not look completely fair to me.

The second remark concerns not the measurement procedure, but the object being measured.

The only client operation being used is OP_CACHE_PUT with a payload of a primitive type. (BTW the type is `Long` in case of the Python client; what about the other clients? Is it `Int`?) I afraid that such an object, even being properly isolated from the measurement tool, would show mostly the throughput of the underlying platform's sockets implementation, not the performance of the client's code. To show the potential of the thin client itself, more varied and fancy tasks needed, i. e. serialization/deserialization of the Complex objects.

But it depends on the goal of the benchmarking. If showing off the raw platform agility was intended, than this objection is removed.


On 10/9/18 10:50 PM, Stepan Pilshchikov wrote:
Hi, all

Tried to compare new thin client performance and made similar benchmarks for
each one
And result not so good for python

Ticket with results and bench code:

Py code src:

Dmitry, please review results and bench code, maybe somthing wrong or it's
expected numbers?

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