> Also I agree with Alexey about introducing public IgniteMonitoring facade

This is not an issue with the API.
Just the new feature that doesn’t affects API.
Moreover, I create a ticket to fix it, already.

> It's right. But if you add checking of statisticsEnabling property then test 
> will fail. It's just not good tests.

My changes doesn’t affect any `staticticsEnabled` property.
I don’ understand your point here.

> Redundant ReadOnlyMetricRegistry.

It’s not redundant.
It required for exporters and provide read only access to MetricRegistry 
existing in the node.

> MetricExporterSpi that requires ReadOnlyMetricRegistry.

> Absence of newly created metrics in old MBeans that forces user use
> exporter SPI while his code base uses old MBeans.

Why this is issue?

> Inconsistent MetricRegistry API.

It’s consistent.

> Metrics lookups from map instead of using direct reference
> (performance problem).

1. We(You and I) did this choice together to simplify creation of the new 
2. This is not public API issue. 

> Ignoring of statisticsEnabled flag.

I don’t ignore this flag.
It just doesn’t exists in new framework(because of scope).
I don’t think it’s an issue.

> JmxExporterSpi creates beans that doesn't satisfy best MBeans practices.

Please, clarify your statement.
What is best MBeans practices you are talking about?

> Not finished IGNITE-11927

How this can be API issue?

> 17 янв. 2020 г., в 20:52, Andrey Gura <ag...@apache.org> написал(а):
>>> All issues Alexey mentioned in starting letter are fixed with my PR [1].
>>> I don’t think other issues you mentioned are blocker for the release.
> As I mentioned already IGNITE-11927 is part of IEP-35 and
> implementation seriously affects API's. Also I agree with Alexey about
> introducing public IgniteMonitoring facade. So thiss PR doesn't fix
> all issues.
>>> I talk about ignored existing functionality.
>> There is no existing tests that was broken by this contribution.
> It's right. But if you add checking of statisticsEnabling property
> then test will fail. It's just not good tests.
>> If you know the issues with it, feel free to create a ticket I will fix it 
>> ASAP.
> I already fix it all in IGNITE-11927
>>> 1. Moving IEP-35 API's to the internal package.
>> We should move the product forward and shouldn't hide major contribution 
>> from the user just because your second guess «I don’t like the API I just 
>> reviewed and approved».
> We should move the product forward with with really finished features,
> not pieces of features.
>> So I am against this proposal.
> It is not argument.
>> But, I’m ready to see your proposal for the API change and discuss them.
> We can prepare it together. But we can't block release.
>>> Because IGNITE-11927 doesn't solve all problems
>> What is *ALL* problems?
> Redundant ReadOnlyMetricRegistry.
> MetricExporterSpi that requires ReadOnlyMetricRegistry.
> Absence of newly created metrics in old MBeans that forces user use
> exporter SPI while his code base uses old MBeans.
> Inconsistent MetricRegistry API.
> Metrics lookups from map instead of using direct reference
> (performance problem).
> Ignoring of statisticsEnabled flag.
> JmxExporterSpi creates beans that doesn't satisfy best MBeans practices.
> Not finished IGNITE-11927
> It's enough I believe.
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 7:28 PM Николай Ижиков <nizhi...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Andrey.
>> All issues Alexey mentioned in starting letter are fixed with my PR [1].
>> I don’t think other issues you mentioned are blocker for the release.
>>> I talk about ignored existing functionality.
>> There is no existing tests that was broken by this contribution.
>> If you know the issues with it, feel free to create a ticket I will fix it 
>> ASAP.
>>> 1. Moving IEP-35 API's to the internal package.
>> We should move the product forward and shouldn't hide major contribution 
>> from the user just because your second guess «I don’t like the API I just 
>> reviewed and approved».
>> So I am against this proposal.
>> But, I’m ready to see your proposal for the API change and discuss them.
>>> Because IGNITE-11927 doesn't solve all problems
>> What is *ALL* problems?
>> Seems, we never be able to solve *ALL* problems.
>> But, we should move the product forward.
>> As for your steps [1-6].
>> I’m always following these steps during my contribution.
>> [1] https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/7269
>>> 17 янв. 2020 г., в 19:08, Andrey Gura <ag...@apache.org> написал(а):
>>> The discussion is hot and can be endless. So in separate post I want
>>> propose my solution.
>>> 1. Moving IEP-35 API's to the internal package.
>>> 2. Create special feature branch B.
>>> 3. In branch B will be merged IGNITE-11927
>>> 4. Because IGNITE-11927 doesn't solve all problems we should propose
>>> solution and implement it in branch B.
>>> 5. Testing, usability testing, fixing, etc iteratively.
>>> 6. Merge it to master and in new release branch if needed.
>>> Independent step. There are some problem which should be fixed in 2.8
>>> before release otherwise we introduce problems with compatibility
>>> which will haunt us till next major release. I'll create tickets.
>>> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 7:03 PM Andrey Gura <ag...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Because it is brand new API and it requires rewrite client code.
>>>>> We doesn’t break backward compatibility.
>>>>> The message is - this interface would be remove in the next major release.
>>>> We don't know anything about development processes our users. I can
>>>> admit that process could require that deprecated methods/APIs are not
>>>> allowed for example.
>>>>>> ReadOnlyMetricRegistry
>>>>>> Form user stand point it is very strange interface which don't give me 
>>>>>> any information about it’s purpose and responsibilities.
>>>>>> Seems, I should explain proposed changes [1] more clear:
>>>> I understand this. But I'm not Ignite user, I'm Ignite developer. The
>>>> key moment in my message *from user stand point*. From my point of
>>>> view it is very not intuitive solution and this interface is
>>>> redundant.
>>>>>> Actually not. We have statisticsEnabled for caches for example. There 
>>>>>> are other entities with such flag.
>>>>> They still works as expected.
>>>> Actually not. I fixed many such issues during IGNITE-11927 implementation.
>>>>>> Why do you decided do in such way?
>>>>> Because of the scope.
>>>>> The ability to disable/enable metrics is the matter of the other ticket.
>>>> I talk not about ability. I talk about ignored existing functionality.
>>>> So scope is not case here.
>>>>>> But they should not be exported by MetricExporterSpi implementations.
>>>>> Actually, it’s a responsibility of the exporter to decide.
>>>>> JMX exporter can exports ObjectMetric while OpenCensus exporter can’t.
>>>> Actually list is not metric at all as I already told.
>>>> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 5:26 PM Николай Ижиков <nizhi...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Andrey.
>>>>>> Because it is brand new API and it requires rewrite client code.
>>>>> We doesn’t break backward compatibility.
>>>>> The message is - this interface would be remove in the next major release.
>>>>>> ReadOnlyMetricRegistry
>>>>>> Form user stand point it is very strange interface which don't give me 
>>>>>> any information about it’s purpose and responsibilities.
>>>>> Seems, I should explain proposed changes [1] more clear:
>>>>> Each SPI would have a `ReadOnlyMetricManager` which provides access to 
>>>>> collection of `ReadOnlyMetricRegistry`
>>>>> which has a collection of `Metric`.
>>>>> So we reflects two-level structure we have in the internal API
>>>>> GridMetricManager -> Collection[MetricRegistry] -> Collection[Metric]
>>>>> ReadOnlyMetricManager -> Collection[ReadOnlyMetricRegistry] -> 
>>>>> Collection[Metric]
>>>>>> Actually not. We have statisticsEnabled for caches for example. There 
>>>>>> are other entities with such flag.
>>>>> They still works as expected.
>>>>>> Why do you decided do in such way?
>>>>> Because of the scope.
>>>>> The ability to disable/enable metrics is the matter of the other ticket.
>>>>>> But they should not be exported by MetricExporterSpi implementations.
>>>>> Actually, it’s a responsibility of the exporter to decide.
>>>>> JMX exporter can exports ObjectMetric while OpenCensus exporter can’t.
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/7269/files#diff-0ae5657231fc4c1f650493b02190b81bR25
>>>>>> 17 янв. 2020 г., в 16:57, Andrey Gura <ag...@apache.org> написал(а):
>>>>>>> If I’m not missing something, you were one of the active reviewers of 
>>>>>>> the Metric API.
>>>>>> Yes. But if I'm not missing some thing you were major developer of
>>>>>> Metric API :) Shit happens. And it happened.
>>>>>>>> The first, I agree with Alexey about deprecation of APIs that are 
>>>>>>>> still supported and don't offer reasonable substitution.
>>>>>>> It has - MetricExporterSPI.
>>>>>> There is such concept - backward compatibility. I understand that
>>>>>> deprecation of some interface doesn't break backward compatibility but
>>>>>> it leads to question^ what should I use instead of this. And
>>>>>> MetricExporterSpi is not answer for this question. Because it is brand
>>>>>> new API and it requires rewrite client code.
>>>>>>>> ReadOnlyMetricRegistry interface is redundant.
>>>>>>> It’s an interface that exposes internal MetricRegistry  to the 
>>>>>>> exporters.
>>>>>> No it is not. It's completely artificial thing which allow iterate via
>>>>>> all metric registries. GridMetricManager implements this interface
>>>>>> while it is not metric registry. Form user stand point it is very
>>>>>> strange interface which don't give me any information about it's
>>>>>> purpose and responsibilities.
>>>>>>>> Exporters expose metrics if they are disabled.
>>>>>>> We don’t have an ability to disable metrics.
>>>>>> Actually not. We have statisticsEnabled for caches for example. There
>>>>>> are other entities with such flag.
>>>>>>> And that done, intentionally.
>>>>>> Why do you decided do in such way? Why you ignore existing
>>>>>> functionality? It affects user expectations and experience.
>>>>>>> You are working on this issue, aren’t you?
>>>>>> Yes? I'm working. Unfortunately we are not synchronized in this
>>>>>> context and I should redo all metrics related changes in order to
>>>>>> merge it with my changes. Anyway, my change doesn't solve all problems
>>>>>> (e.g. it doesn't introduce IgniteMonitoring facade).
>>>>>>> I can fix this issue, by myself.
>>>>>> Unfortunately it will be just fix. In my solution it is redesign. Stop
>>>>>> fixing issues, let's do things. It requires deeper changes. My changes
>>>>>> blocks AI 2.8 release because it big enough. So it retargeted on the
>>>>>> next release. And it is one more reason for moving the changes to the
>>>>>> internal packages. And it isn't good news for me because I will go
>>>>>> throughout pan and tiers of merge. But it is right.
>>>>>>> Metrics of type lists are not metric at all.
>>>>>> They are created to deal with backward compatibility.
>>>>>>>> Metrics of type lists are not metric at all.
>>>>>>> They are created to deal with backward compatibility.
>>>>>> Yes, I know. But they should not be exported by MetricExporterSpi
>>>>>> implementations.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 3:37 PM Николай Ижиков <nizhi...@apache.org> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Andrey, thanks for your opinion and your ownest critisism.
>>>>>>> I can’t wait for your contribution.
>>>>>>> If I’m not missing something, you were one of the active reviewers of 
>>>>>>> the Metric API.
>>>>>>>> The first, I agree with Alexey about deprecation of APIs that are 
>>>>>>>> still supported and don't offer reasonable substitution.
>>>>>>> It has - MetricExporterSPI.
>>>>>>>> The second, from my point of view, we can't recommend 
>>>>>>>> MetricExporterSpi's because it are still not-production ready.
>>>>>>> It’s ready.
>>>>>>>> The third, moving of MetricRegistry to the public API doesn't solve 
>>>>>>>> the problem because this interface exposes internal Metric interface 
>>>>>>>> implementations.
>>>>>>> Not, its’ not.
>>>>>>> Please, see `org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.LongMetric` and other public 
>>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>>>> API of MetricRegistry is inconsistent.
>>>>>>> MetricRegistry is the internal API.
>>>>>>> Feel free to create ticket for an issues with it and I will try to fix 
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>> ReadOnlyMetricRegistry interface is redundant.
>>>>>>> It’s an interface that exposes internal MetricRegistry  to the 
>>>>>>> exporters.
>>>>>>>> Exporters expose metrics if they are disabled.
>>>>>>> We don’t have an ability to disable metrics.
>>>>>>> And that done, intentionally.
>>>>>>> You are working on this issue, aren’t you?
>>>>>>> I can fix this issue, by myself.
>>>>>>>> Metrics of type lists are not metric at all.
>>>>>>> They are created to deal with backward compatibility.
>>>>>>>> 17 янв. 2020 г., в 15:09, Andrey Gura <ag...@apache.org> написал(а):
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> The first, I agree with Alexey about deprecation of APIs that are
>>>>>>>> still supported and don't offer reasonable substitution.
>>>>>>>> The second, from my point of view, we can't recommend
>>>>>>>> MetricExporterSpi's because it are still not-production ready. There
>>>>>>>> are some issues with it and usage of ReadOnlyMetricRegistry interface
>>>>>>>> just one of them.
>>>>>>>> The third, moving of MetricRegistry to the public API doesn't solve
>>>>>>>> the problem because this interface exposes internal Metric interface
>>>>>>>> implementations. So your PR is incomplete.
>>>>>>>> Moreover, API of MetricRegistry is inconsistent. E.g. register(name,
>>>>>>>> supplier, desc) method returns registered metric for some types and
>>>>>>>> doesn't for other. register(metric) method is inconsistent in sense of
>>>>>>>> metric naming. ReadOnlyMetricRegistry interface is redundant.
>>>>>>>> MetricExporterSpi should be revised because it absolutely not
>>>>>>>> intuitive because it requires ReadOnlyMetricRegistry and it's purpose
>>>>>>>> is undefined.
>>>>>>>> One more point. IEP-35 is still not fully implemented. Some things are
>>>>>>>> not taken into account. Exporters expose metrics if they are disabled.
>>>>>>>> JMX beans exposes values that don't confirm to best practices [1].
>>>>>>>> Metrics of type lists are not metric at all. Ubiquitous merics lookup
>>>>>>>> from hash map instead of usage reference for getting metrics values
>>>>>>>> (it is just performance issue). Also IGNITE-11927 is not implemented
>>>>>>>> which also changes interfaces significantly.
>>>>>>>> Let's just admit that the implementation is immature and must be moved
>>>>>>>> to the internal packages.
>>>>>>>> And because we already merged partially implemented IEP to the master
>>>>>>>> branch we *must move all currently public APIs to the internal API*
>>>>>>>> while it will not be ready for publication.
>>>>>>>> And the last but not least. What is happening indicates a immature
>>>>>>>> development process which must be revised. I don't want discuss it in
>>>>>>>> this thread but we must not allow merge of change to the master branch
>>>>>>>> before it will completed, that is we must use feature branches for
>>>>>>>> full IEP not only for particular tickets. And also we should
>>>>>>>> reformulate IEP process in order to avoid things like this.
>>>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>>>> https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/best-practices-jsp-136021.html
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 12:49 PM Николай Ижиков <nizhi...@apache.org> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alex.
>>>>>>>>> OK, I may leverage your experience and create pure Java API.
>>>>>>>>> Ticket [1] created.
>>>>>>>>> But, personally, I don’t agree with you.
>>>>>>>>> Ignite has dozens of the API that theoretically have a usage 
>>>>>>>>> scenario, but in real-world have 0 custom implementation and usages.
>>>>>>>>> Moreover, many APIs that were created with the intentions you 
>>>>>>>>> mentioned is abandoned now and confuses users.
>>>>>>>>> You can just see count of the tests we just mute on the TC.
>>>>>>>>> Can you, please, take a look at the fix regarding puck API issue you 
>>>>>>>>> mentioned in your first letter [2], [3]
>>>>>>>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12553
>>>>>>>>> [2] https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/7269
>>>>>>>>> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12552
>>>>>>>>>> 17 янв. 2020 г., в 12:12, Alexey Goncharuk 
>>>>>>>>>> <alexey.goncha...@gmail.com> написал(а):
>>>>>>>>>> Nikolay,
>>>>>>>>>> Why do you think this is a wrong usage pattern? From the top of my 
>>>>>>>>>> head,
>>>>>>>>>> here is a few cases of direct metric API usage that I know are 
>>>>>>>>>> currently
>>>>>>>>>> being used in production:
>>>>>>>>>> * A custom task execution scheduling service with load balancing 
>>>>>>>>>> based on
>>>>>>>>>> utilization metrics readings from Java code
>>>>>>>>>> * Cleanup task trigger based on metrics readings
>>>>>>>>>> * A custom health-check endpoint for an application with an embedded
>>>>>>>>>> Ignite node for Kubernetes/Spring Application/etc

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