The tickets are: [1] disables linger by default and [2] is the doc.



05.11.2020 11:00, Anton Vinogradov пишет:
Seems, we've got an agreement that the fix is necessary.
Do we need to do except the following?
zero linger as default + warning on SSL enabled on JVM before the fix +
warning at documentation + migration notes

On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 2:38 PM Steshin Vladimir <> wrote:

      Ilya, hi.

      Of course: /TcpDiscoverySpi.setSoLinger(int)/ property. Always been.

02.11.2020 20:14, Ilya Kasnacheev пишет:

Is there any option to re-enable linger on SSL sockets?

Telling people to re-configure does not help if they can't.


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