Hi,   Jack Tsai

I'm afraid you misunderstand the meaning of 'IOTDB_CLI_HOME'. It just help 
users to find which directory to run command like ' .\bin\start-client.bat'. I 
never defined 'IOTDB_CLI_HOME' variable neither in start-client.sh nor 

I tried on My PC, it starts normally. Can you provide some snapshots to 
indicate how you package iotdb-cli and how to run start-client.bat? You can 
upload these picture to jira issue.

In My environment, IOTDB_CLI_HOME is 
My output is :

PS D:\workspace\java\incubator-iotdb\iotdb-cli\cli> .\bin\start-client.bat
Starting IoTDB Client
Require more params input, eg. ./start-client.sh(start-client.bat if Windows) 
-h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p xxxx -u xxx.
For more information, please check the following hint.
usage: ./start-client.sh(start-client.bat if Windows) [-disableISO8601] [-h 
       [-help] [-maxPRC <maxPrintRowCount>] [-p <port>] [-pw <password>] -u 
 -disableISO8601              Display timestamp in number(optional)
 -h <host>                    Host Name (optional, default
 -help                        Display help information(optional)
 -maxPRC <maxPrintRowCount>   Maximum number of rows displayed (optional)
 -p <port>                    Port (optional, default 6667)
 -pw <password>               password (optional)
 -u <username>                User name (required)
PS D:\workspace\java\incubator-iotdb\iotdb-cli\cli>


On 5/24/2019 09:05,Xiangdong Huang<saint...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for your contribution!

The community is open for everyone, so take it easy... And we are happy to
see new contributors joining the community.

Here, you can submit everything, like an issues, a new requirement, an
improvement, etc., to the mail list or jira for IoTDB.

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Jack Tsai <jack870...@outlook.com> 于2019年5月24日周五 上午6:46写道:

Hi sir,

I have created an issue for this:

Please have a look at it. If there is anything wrong with the format of
the issue report or any inappropriate expression in my words. Please tell
me so that I could fixed it and avoid making the same mistake next time.

Also, I provide the possible solution which I think it could solve this
problem in the comment field below. Please welcome to discuss with me to
let me know whether it is feasible. If it is alright, I would send the PR
for you to review.

I am glad and looking forward to join the IoTDB team.

Best regards,
Tsung-Han Tsai
*寄件者:* Xiangdong Huang <saint...@gmail.com>
*寄件日期:* 2019年5月24日 上午 12:25
*收件者:* dev@iotdb.apache.org; jack870...@outlook.com
*主旨:* Re: The problem to start IoTDB

Hi Tsung-Han,

Thanks for your report.

I can not reproduce your issue on my MacOS..  The similar report on [1]
may be caused if your maven building process is interrupted.

But after reading the source code of `start-client.sh`, I think your
solution 2 is needed: Now, `start-client.sh` requires copying jars from the
`iotdb` module rather than just from the `iotdb-cli` module. That does not
make sense.

We are very glad to see the coming PR from you.

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@iotdb.apache.org/msg00913.html

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Jack Tsai <jack870...@outlook.com> 于2019年5月23日周四 下午10:57写道:

Hi everyone,

I am the Chinese student from University of Liverpool who is going to be
the internship in IoTDB team this summer.

I found a problem when I start the IoTDB's client, and I think my problem
is the same as the user in this mail:

Even if you have make some changes to the documentation on the website, it
would still make users confused.

When I follow the instruction on the website, it said that:
# Windows
$IOTDB_CLI_HOME\bin\start-client.bat -h <IP> -p <PORT> -u <USER_NAME>

However, this would result in "Cannot find the main class
'org.apache.iotdb.cli.client.Client' error". After I look into the code of
start-client batch file and script, I found the same problem as the user in
the email above:

The reason is that the required jars to start IoTDB client are not in the
correct lib directory.  These are some solutions I found:

1.  Copy all the jars in "/xxx/incubator-iotdb/iotdb-cli/cli/lib" to
2.  Change the part of the code "for %%i in ("%IOTDB_HOME%\lib\*.jar")"
into "for %%i in ("%IOTDB_CLI_HOME%\lib\*.jar")"
3.  Do some changes to the documentation

I think this error is because the way of starting the IoTDB version in
Apache-incubator is different from the version in THU Lab. To start the old
version, the batch file and script can go without error. However, the
directory config has been changed in the Apache version, which I think you
should make the documentation clearer or do some changes in the batch file
and script.

If you think this would count as an issue, I would like to join and
contribute for it.

Best regards,
Tsung-Han Tsai

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