
I finish the draft of the report.
Please supply the content if I miss something.

IoTDB is a data store for managing large amounts of time series data such
as timestamped data from IoT sensors in industrial applications.

IoTDB has been incubating since 2018-11-18.

1. Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

- Discuss a  plan for releasing future versions (e.g., how long time to
release a new major/minor version)

- Discuss the roadmap of future versions (what features we want to do in
the next version)

- Write documents for introducing the system architecture and code
structures to make it easy to let contributors join.

2. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

- No

3. How has the community developed since the last report?

- Some new contributors joined the community.  E.g., PR#339 comes from a
new contributor and it is really an interesting feature.

- Some contributors (who are not committers yet) are more active than
before. E.g., Boris Zhu and Jack Tsai.

- More users began to report their issues. E.g.,  issue #171, #184 and #186.

As all the above contributions and contributors are not from the
institutions/companies where initial committers are, we think it is a good
signal that indicates more guys noticing the community.

4. How has the project developed since the last report?

- IoTDB releases its first Apache version: v0.8.0 !

- IoTDB is more stable and the performance is far better than before.
However, the version is incompatible with previous version (which are
released before IoTDB is denoted to ASF).

- In v0.8.0, many issues are resolved (see release notes:
http://iotdb.apache.org/#/Materials/Release%20Notes )

5. How would you assess the podling's maturity? Please feel free to add
your own commentary.

 [  ] Initial setup
 [  ] Working towards first release
 [ x ] Community building
 [  ] Nearing graduation
 [  ] Other:

Date of last release:

- 08/25/2019

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

- 07/15/2019

Have your mentors been helpful?

- Yes

Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling through
the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues that need to be

- They are helpful, especially in the process of releasing the first


 (iotdb) Justin Mclean Comments:
 (iotdb) Christofer Dutz Comments:
 (iotdb) Willem Ning Jiang Comments:
 (iotdb) Kevin A. McGrail Comments:

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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