Hi all,

Thanks to @Jincheng, we intend to enrich information of project committers in 

I have opened a PR [1] in our website repository, so if this VOTE pass and the 
PR is merged, every committer and contributor can open PR themselves to 
maintain their own information. Besides, we also add two lists for those 
contributors who have submitted PR(s) and propose issue(s) for IoTDB to 
encourage more and more people to join us.

I’d like to briefly introduce how to maintain your information:

1. Search your name in 'src/views/Contributor.vue' , and update the information 
(including avatar, name, role, organization, apache id, and starting date).

2. If your name hasn't existed in the page, you can just add your information 
in the list accordingly: ‘conList' for committers, ‘conWithPRList' for 
contributors who have submitted PR(s), and ‘conWithIssueList' for contributors 
who have proposed issue(s).

3. As for avatar, you can either upload a picture (better to limit the size 
<150KB) by adding one in '/assets/img/contributor-avatar', then you only need 
to use the file name in the information; Or, you can use a photo link. (You can 
see the example in PR description)

A minimum of 3 binding +1 votes and more binding +1 than binding -1
are required to pass.

[ ]  +1 accept 
[ ]  -1 reject (explanation required)

[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb-website/pull/50

Zesong Sun
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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