OK, so it comes down to either:

*option 1:*




* is symmetrical
* some attributes of @DomainEntity don't apply if persistence=EXTERNAL
* the two layouts are basically identical to each other

--- or ---

*option 2:*




* not symmetrical
* some attributes of @DomainEntity don't apply if persistence=EXTERNAL

--- or ---

*option 3:*




* is symmetrical
* some attributes of @DomainEntity don't apply if persistence=EXTERNAL or
* concept of view model is less visible

Cast your votes, please!


On 29 December 2014 at 15:02, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou <
o....@gesconsultor.com> wrote:

> As currently there's no "special" support for AggregateRoots or
> ValueObjects, no more annotations are needed.
> Sounds like a vote to deprecate.  Jeroen has said the same thing.  Perhaps
> they should be deleted in v2.0 and reappear, if we want them back, in v3.0.
> I agree with Jeroen.
> Currently there's nothing specific about Aggregate Roots on Apache Isis,
> at least on the most used modules, AFAK.
> * replace @DomainObject(viewModel=false)   with
> @DomainEntity(persistence=JDO)
>   ... this would be the default
> I like it :)
> * replace @DomainObject(viewModel=true)    with
> @DomainEntity(persistence=EXTERNAL)
> This one also!
>   ... for view models representing externally-persisted entities.  In the
> Javadoc, say that auditing, publishing and bounded are not supported for
> these
> * keep @ViewModel
> ... extend to include the non-entity stuff from @DomainObject that does
> apply (basically, I think that's just "objectType" )
>  ... the intention being that this is used for application-layer views.
> I agree. It should be kept for those use cases.
> keep @DomainObjectLayout, because everything in it applies equally to both
> view models (either variety) and JDO entities.
> Mmmmm.... I would prefer to keep symmetry... I know it introduces some
> redundant checks on implementation but, from the user's perspective, is a
> clearer model ...
> I'll reply on your points on @Property and @Parameter separately.
> Thx
> Dan
> Óscar Bou Bou
> Responsable de Producto
> Auditor Jefe de Certificación ISO 27001 en BSI
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