Hi Andi

cc'ing dev@ on this...

On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 at 21:22 Andi Huber <ahu...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> I could start with work on the integration of the 'Where am I' feature
> (ISIS-1740) into core.
> Cool.  I've slotted the ticket into the 2.0.0 release.

> With that I'd like to add some utility classes,  that utilize Java 8
> features (Streams and Lamdas). Those are utilities like Reflection
> Helper, Bean Utility, Weak Reference Cache, Null Safe Utilities, etc. I
> would call these internal utilities, not meant to contribute to the
> public API. (But I think I will put some work into javadoc completeness
> and treat them like they where public API, just in case.)
Great stuff.

Do you have a designated project/package where to put these? Maybe under
> org.apache.isis.applib.util?
If this isn't intended to be public API, then it shouldn't go in

Instead, I think the place to put this stuff is in isis-core-metamodel, I
think, probably under the o.a.i.core.commons package.

Create subpackages under there as you see fit, eg

> I guess its Ok, if I branch this new feature off on
> dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1276-dn-5-1.
I've done more work on the dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1742-remove-deprecations branch,
so I suggest you branch from there.

What I'm thinking of doing is to do an "2.0.0-M1" milestone release based
on that branch, which will be basically 1.15.1 release but updated to Java
8 + removed deprecations but NOT upgraded to DN 5.1.  Later on an M2
milestone would merge in the DN 5.1 upgrade.  (In fact, I think I might do
a rebase of the ISIS-1276-dn-5-1 branch on top of ISIS-1742).

> ---
> I'm also eager to help with the JEE roadmap. First we could extract
> ToDos from our last conversation and organize them into Jira Issues. I
> could do that if you like. First goal could be to provide an 'works out
> of the box' experience for users with Isis on JEE 7+ servers. Subsequent
> goals like CDI managed Domain Objects or deprecation of Rest Easy would
> follow later. (The hard part to solve for the first goal is
> class-loading, which also affects Data-Nucleus.)
Great.  I've gone ahead and created tickets, ISIS-1754 through ISIS-1757.
I've put them into 2.0.0 release as well.  Again, suggest create branches
from the dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1742-remove-deprecations brac.

> In Jira I'm not allowed to assign tasks to myself yet. Not sure whom to
> contact, to get the permission.

Had a look, seems like I had the karma to grant out permissions, so you
should be set to go.

Alternatively, what's the progress on
> the idea of using github's issue tracking?
The github integration simplifies applying pull requests, and it means that
we push directly to github of course as well, but we've not discussed
whether to leverage any of it other features.

While I'm not a huge fan of JIRA (who is?), I'm not sure that there's a lot
of benefit in transferring all of our backlog over to github... and we
might well miss some of JIRA's features once there.   Any other views on


> Cheers Andi

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