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Thanks Dan,

great work, I totally agree with your comments ...

On 26.10.2017 00:24, Dan Haywood wrote:
> Hi Andi
> cc'ing dev@ on this...
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 at 21:22 Andi Huber <ahu...@apache.org
> <mailto:ahu...@apache.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Dan,
>     I could start with work on the integration of the 'Where am I' feature
>     (ISIS-1740) into core.
> Cool.  I've slotted the ticket into the 2.0.0 release.
>     With that I'd like to add some utility classes,  that utilize Java 8
>     features (Streams and Lamdas). Those are utilities like Reflection
>     Helper, Bean Utility, Weak Reference Cache, Null Safe Utilities,
>     etc. I
>     would call these internal utilities, not meant to contribute to the
>     public API. (But I think I will put some work into javadoc
>     completeness
>     and treat them like they where public API, just in case.)
> Great stuff. 
>     Do you have a designated project/package where to put these? Maybe
>     under
>     org.apache.isis.applib.util?
> If this isn't intended to be public API, then it shouldn't go in
> isis-core-applib.  
> Instead, I think the place to put this stuff is in
> isis-core-metamodel, I think, probably under the o.a.i.core.commons
> package.
> Create subpackages under there as you see fit, eg
> o.a.i.core.commons.streams.
>     I guess its Ok, if I branch this new feature off on
>     dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1276-dn-5-1.
> I've done more work on the dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1742-remove-deprecations
> branch, so I suggest you branch from there.
> What I'm thinking of doing is to do an "2.0.0-M1" milestone release
> based on that branch, which will be basically 1.15.1 release but
> updated to Java 8 + removed deprecations but NOT upgraded to DN 5.1. 
> Later on an M2 milestone would merge in the DN 5.1 upgrade.  (In fact,
> I think I might do a rebase of the ISIS-1276-dn-5-1 branch on top of
> ISIS-1742).
>     ---
>     I'm also eager to help with the JEE roadmap. First we could extract
>     ToDos from our last conversation and organize them into Jira Issues. I
>     could do that if you like. First goal could be to provide an
>     'works out
>     of the box' experience for users with Isis on JEE 7+ servers.
>     Subsequent
>     goals like CDI managed Domain Objects or deprecation of Rest Easy
>     would
>     follow later. (The hard part to solve for the first goal is
>     class-loading, which also affects Data-Nucleus.)
> Great.  I've gone ahead and created tickets, ISIS-1754 through
> ISIS-1757.  I've put them into 2.0.0 release as well.  Again, suggest
> create branches from the dev/2.0.0/ISIS-1742-remove-deprecations brac.
>     In Jira I'm not allowed to assign tasks to myself yet. Not sure
>     whom to
>     contact, to get the permission. 
> Had a look, seems like I had the karma to grant out permissions, so
> you should be set to go.
Confirmed: I'm able to assign tasks to myself now.
>     Alternatively, what's the progress on
>     the idea of using github's issue tracking?
> The github integration simplifies applying pull requests, and it means
> that we push directly to github of course as well, but we've not
> discussed whether to leverage any of it other features.
> While I'm not a huge fan of JIRA (who is?), I'm not sure that there's
> a lot of benefit in transferring all of our backlog over to github...
> and we might well miss some of JIRA's features once there.   Any other
> views on this?
Sorry for my confusion: I had thought there was a plan to migrate to
github's issue tracking. I was not implying any preferences and I'm
happy with Jira as well.
> Cheers
> Dan
>     Cheers Andi
Cheers, Andi

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