
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Thomas Mueller (JIRA) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Compatibility: Jackrabbit 1.5 will not work with 1.4 repository.xml files 
> because of
> JCR-1472 (SecurityManager). If we want to make the repository.xml backward 
> compatible,
> we should have a look at that as well.

This touches a more generic issue about how strictly backwards
compatible we want to be across minor release upgrades like 1.4 ->

So far at least my guideline has been to try to make all minor release
upgrades as easy as possible, with minimum manual intervention
(including configuration file updates) required unless the user
explicitly wants to enable new functionality.

As far as I'm aware it's still possible to start and run Jackrabbit
1.4 with a Jackrabbit 1.0 repository and configuration. However, this
isn't a strict guideline and we do include upgrade instructions in
release notes, so it would not be too big a problem to require manual
configuration updates during a minor version upgrade.

The question is, should the 1.5 upgrade changes in configuration files
or not? I would rather opt for a smoother upgrade with more backwards
compatibility, but I acknowledge that there are good reasons why we
might want people to update their configurations. WDYT?


Jukka Zitting

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