
I guess you guys have noticed the issue: The populate page [1] doesn't
work if you run the standalone on Java 1.8. [2]
It looks like the old Eclipse JDT compiler used by Jasper engine is
not capable of doing its job on Java 1.8. Unless upgrading Jetty or
replacing it by an embedded tomcat, it might be impossible to improve
the situation.
I experimented a little bit by invoking each existing jsp page
manually, and found that only the populate.jsp is problematic on Java
So, I'm thinking it might be a good shorter-term solution if we
convert the populate.jsp to a servlet.
I'm kind of feeling not good if any new comer doesn't get a fair
impression about the project when trying to just follow the
documentation. ;-)
How does it sound?



[1] http://jackrabbit.apache.org/jcr/standalone-server.html#Web_interface
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCR-3974

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