
there should be a LOCAL_REVISIONS table in your database that contains a revision for each of your connected Jackrabbit cluster nodes. Please double-check this table exists and has entries for each of the cluster nodes. The Journal Janitor will use the data in this table to decide up to which revision it can clean the journal.


On 01/11/16 03:16, Liang wrote:
Hi, all
   In our cluster environment, the Journal is very huge (about 60g), so
we'd like to enalbing janitor configuration into repository.xml. As the
wiki page said, there are 3 caveats after enabling the janitor. I can
understand the first and third caveat, but not quite catch the second
one as below. What does it mean? Does it mean we need do some extra
thing (coding, configuration??) to make sure enabling janitor can work well?

  * You must make sure that all cluster nodes have written their local
    revision to the database before the clean-up task runs for the first
    time because otherwise cluster nodes might miss updates (because
    they have been purged) and their local caches and search-indexes get
    out of sync.

What I expected is that we only need to
add janitorEnabled=true, janitorSleep and janitorFirstRunHourOfDay under
Cluster element, and then the journal table could be purged as expected
and no extra work that needs us to do

Please help me! Thanks.


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