What should be the expanded name for the qualified name "foo" (without URI 
prefix) then?
What namespace URI should be used then?

I am now totally lost to be honest.

> On 11. Feb 2020, at 12:01, Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de> wrote:
> On 11.02.2020 11:52, Konrad Windszus wrote:
>> According to
>> https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/spec/jcr/2.0/3_Repository_Model.html#3.2.1%20Namespaces
>> <https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/spec/jcr/2.0/3_Repository_Model.html#3.2.1
>> Namespaces> an empty URI part is totally valid and should be used for
>> non-namespaced names!
>> ...
> I would call that a bug in the spec, at least in the context of expanded
> names.
> At the end of the day, "{}foo" is a valid local name, so it can't by
> definition not also be an expanded name.
> Best regards, Julian

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