Hi there,

I believe we should consider requiring Java 11 for trunk work, and when
done, create a new maintenance branch from it.


- some of our dependencies now require Java 11

- we currently use Jackrabbit 2.20 (Java 8) in both Oak 1.22 (Java 8)
and Oak 1.58 ("latest stable", Java 11); on the other hand, we
*implement* jackrabbit API from Oak, and haven't been able to update
that since Oak switched to 11

Other thoughts:

- we currently have only one maintenance branch, so adding another one
which is mostly identical shouldn't create a lot of work

- we'll need to maintain 2.20 (Java 8) until Oak 1.22 switches to Java
11 (or some new Oak maintenance branch for Java 11 is created)


- make one more unstable release, removing RMI support
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCR-4972) (ca December)

- branch 2.22 and release 2.22.0 from trunk around February


- apart from RMI, is there anything else we could discontinue? JCA maybe?

Feeback appreciated, Julian

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