

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Mauro Talevi

> GivenStories scenarios are currently treated as normal ones.
> We can add enhancement easily, as for parametrised scenarios.
> Please raise JIRA issue.
> Cheers
> On 24 May 2013, at 15:19, Nicholas Smith <> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm currently using JBehave and getting to the stage where I have quite a
> few scenarios, subsequently I am starting to notice increasing amounts of
> repetitive steps.  I had hoped to push the common pre-requisites out to
> GivenStories and save the repetition.
> The problem is that I'm currently using @AfterScenario to tidy up before
> the next scenario, which fires at the end of the GivenStory Scenario as
> well as the Scenario under test; however in the case of a GivenStories I do
> not want this to happen as I am effectively trying to use them to set up
> the preconditions.
> I'm not sure if I am missing a configuration option or I am either
> misusing the @AfterScenario or GivenStories.
> Any advice?
> Thanks
> Nick

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