As already repeated, we can only help if you provide a project that reproduces 
the problem.

On 9 Jul 2013, at 13:03, Selenium Learner 2013 <> wrote:

> Hi,
>  My problem is that even though stories could run on parallel basis but when 
> report got generated I could not see correct reports.
> I have used the similar structure used in 
> But when reports are generated they are not proper i.e story reports are seen 
> overlapping hence can't judge which story got successful etc..
> Any idea why its happening?
> I debug into jbehave source code and found that under the package package 
> org.jbehave.core.reporters; there is one class ConcurrentStoryReporter which 
> might solve the problem but don't know which method I should use under my 
> configuration..could any dev help on this issue? Somehow this 
> ConcurrentStoryReporter  class has not being used for /examples/ 
> there any specific reason? Please advice
> My reports are generated under \targe\jbehave\view .
> Regards,
> Selenium-777

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