
There is an issue to support Guice 4 [1] and the corresponding fix
[2]. The main issue is that in Guice 4, @Provider annotated methods
can not be overridden. The proposed fix addresses this and also marks
all remaining provider methods as final, to make sure we don't break
the compatibility in the future.

This could break existing integrations that override the provider
methods, but: this is something that can be expected when upgrading to
2.0, and allows us to keep things under control and do not start
adding unnecessary boilerplate code in a premature way.

I'm like the current approach, but I'd also wanted to have the opinion
of the community regarding this, WDYT? Please, share your thouhts here
or in the PR!


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCLOUDS-962
[2] https://github.com/jclouds/jclouds/pull/818

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