Per request posting here to start a discussion on moving past Guava 20.
Please refer to the following.

TL;DR; The issues raised in PR 1180 are summarized as follows;

        - There are to many issues with trying to use Guava 21, skip
          that version. (see PR for issues)
        - To go to Guava 22+, requires moving to 1.8, as those jars
          are built for newer Java. I do not believe available for
        -There are API changes in 22+, getHostText replaced with
        getHost. Making it difficult to support older and newer Guava.

Which means for JClouds to move forward with Guava, likely have to drop
support for 1.7. That is mostly what needs to be discussed.

Can JClouds drop 1.7, and move forward to 1.8+ only?

May need to split code base and have a legacy version, and current.
Like 2.0.x supports 1.7, and 2.1.x supports 1.8+.

I feel there is no road forward for PR 1180, and will likely close as
such. I can open a new PR with changes for Guava 22+. Which are
considerably less than changes for 21. Which will cause issues with
Guava 22+. Thus skipping Guava 21 entirely.

FYI I have JClouds using Guava 24, and both built under Java 9, and
soon Java 10. The changes are not much, and seems fine. But does drop
legacy support.

Me personally I am past 1.8. But seems a fair amount are still running
that version. It is still supported by most vendors.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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