Hello all, 

We did a very quick implementation of a cloud provider we use ( 
https://www.hetzner.com/cloud ) and I thought we might share it so that other 
people can use it too. And then I thought we better do it properly. As none of 
us is really an expert on jclouds internals, plans, etc I'd like some help with 
figuring out what would be the right way to plug it in, use all available 
abstractions so that the api is as transparent as any other and so on. 

For example - at the moment we have a ComputeServiceAdapter that only does the 
basics, but it feels to me a lot of functionality is left out. Unless you 
unwrap() the lower-level API or add some metadata key-values (that might 
'brake' comparators or something else?). 

If anyone is happy to help with some guidance please let me know! 

Also - where do I share the code? Load it somewhere on github? Or with a link 
to download? 


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