Dear Andy,

I've been working on releasing it following the instructions [1], with
some problems here:

Step 1 - Release the staging repo
- done

Step 2 - Install the release files (source and binaries).
- I tried to commit the source files and the KEYS, but it failed with
the error messages like:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
The operation is forbidden by the server
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Changing file 'F:\code\eclipse\workspace\Jena2014\release\KEYS'
is forbidden by the server
URL access forbidden for unknown reason
svn: Access to '/repos/dist/!svn/txr/6286-5fg/release/jena/KEYS' forbidden
Does my apache svn account have the access right to
I also tried with another svn client (TortoiseSVN), but the error was the same.

Step 3 - Reset versions in JIRA
- I could login in JIRA. But I could not add a new Version of
jena-csv, maybe because the permission issue [2]:
To add one or more new Versions,
Log into JIRA.
 You will need to have the JIRA 'Project Administrator' permission in
the relevant project.

Step 4 - Update the website
Update the Download Pages
- Do I need to update these pages? It seems that they are supposed
provide the information for the whole Jena download instead of a
module within.
Update the Javadoc
- done [3]

Step 5 - Release
- not yet

As to pushing the release out the bits to maven, I find a document
[4]. Is that the guide I should follow? Or any other documentation
related to release jena (or fuseki, TDB) to maven central?

It's greatly appreciated if you can help me with the above questions.

Best regards,
Ying Jiang


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> Hi Ying,
> The VOTE has succeeded.  Do you want to send the [RESULT] summary and then
> push out the bits to maven and to
> If any of the process is not clear, do ask.  There should not be any access
> control issues ... but ...
>         Andy
> On 15/08/14 21:17, Ying Jiang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is a vote on a release of jena-csv 1.0.0 (JENA-625, GSoC 2014)
>> Everyone, not just committers, is invited to test and vote.
>> (We do need at least 3 PMC +1's but the more it's tested, the better.)
>> Staging repository:
>> Proposed dist/ area:
>> Keys:
>> SVN tag:
>> Please vote to approve this release:
>>       [ ] +1 Approve the release
>>       [ ]  0 Don't care
>>       [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
>> This vote will be open to the end of
>>      Tuesday, 18th August, 2014 23:59 UTC
>> (72 hours from the same hour tonight UTC).
>> Checking needed:
>> + does everything work on Linux?
>> + does everything work on MS Windows?
>> + does everything work on OS X?
>> + is the GPG signature fine?
>> + are the checksums correct?
>> + is there a source archive?
>> + can the source archive really be built?
>> + is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact
>>     (both source and binary artifacts)?
>> + does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
>> + have any licenses of dependencies changed due to upgrades?
>>      if so have LICENSE and NOTICE been upgraded appropriately?
>> + does the tag in the SCM contain reproducible sources?
>> Best regards,
>> Ying Jiang

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