On 02/02/15 17:45, stain wrote:
GitHub user stain opened a pull request:


     Apache jena osgi

     Builds on #21 by splitting out jena-osgi* to submodules under 

     Merges in #21, #22, #23

Combined pull requests are harder to work with. They are extra work if not all the merged PRs are accepted without change.

I'm pulling (and fixing up) #21 and #23 now and have just pushed them intot he Apache repo.

#22 needs refining and discussion and it's very important
(+ NOTICE doesn't look right to me and there is no LICENSE; maybe autogenerated works but that's yet more manual checking to do for a build that takes 30mins from clean).

So I would need to unpick #24. Time consuming, which is why I asked not to do that.

I'm sorry if I can't deal with these fast enough for you but the extra work in processing them, sending emails as well as having £work to do makes me slow.

My ideal situation is to close #22 and #24 for now. We start with a new baseline of the repo as it is at this moment, post #21 and #23.

We *discuss* what needs to be done for the NOTICE+LICENSE on dev@.

You can PR a rename though I was hoping for other commentary on that as well. It might be easier to do after N&L is done.


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