On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 14:28, Vladimir Sitnikov
<sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you tried the following?
> gw runGui -- it builds the jars and launches GUI
> gw createDist -- it just populates /lib

(Neither work for me, as gw is not defined as a command)

However ./gradlew runGui works, and is reasonably quick.

Is there an exact equivalent to package?
i.e. suppose I don't want to run the Gui after the build?

I think README.md (or some other file) needs to document the
equivalents of at least the more common of the Ant tasks.
Whilst gradlew tasks lists all tasks, there are so many that finding
the correct one is hard work.

And why does assemble run javadocAggregate?

> Vladimir

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