Am 25.10.19 um 16:01 schrieb sebb:
> On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 14:28, Vladimir Sitnikov
> <> wrote:
>> Have you tried the following?
>> gw runGui -- it builds the jars and launches GUI
>> gw createDist -- it just populates /lib
> (Neither work for me, as gw is not defined as a command)
> However ./gradlew runGui works, and is reasonably quick.
> Is there an exact equivalent to package?
> i.e. suppose I don't want to run the Gui after the build?
> I think (or some other file) needs to document the
> equivalents of at least the more common of the Ant tasks.
> Whilst gradlew tasks lists all tasks, there are so many that finding
> the correct one is hard work.

Have you seen I think it does a better job of explaining the
tasks than the simple task listing of gradle itself.

The short command gw is mentioned in the file.


> And why does assemble run javadocAggregate?
>> Vladimir

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