sebb>So is there a way to fix this so the line number *is* shown?

For instance: avoid extending test methods and use delegation instead of

sebb>Such an error is likely to occur again elsewhere

Why do you think so?
There are no more than 5 such cases (I would say 1-2, but 5 is very
conservative) in JMeter sources,
so it is very unlikely similar cases would occur elsewhere.
It is far easier to just fix the assertion messages (if they ever occur)
rather than discuss "oh, that is likely to occur".

sebb>Unique messages are one way to achieve that if the test harness fails
sebb>to provide that information, as in this case

sebb>If the same message can appear in two places

Yes, but that is missing my point.
If the same message can appear in two places in the same test method then
the test is **broken**.
Remember that line numbers change over time (e.g. when tests are edited),
and it is not the first thing to rely on.

In other words, assert messages should be good enough even without line


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