>But the glitches for now seem blocking no ?

Well, checkbox/radio glitch is already fixed (~3-4 hours time from issue to
resolution), so the author is quite open with fixing issues, and they do
publish the library to Central.

The key issue left is license clearance + fixing minor issues.
In my opinion, it is more-or-less ready for JMeter.
That would enable us to keep momentum.

An alternative option is to migrate to something like https://tornadofx.io/ ,
however, that is a bit different story.

The dependencies are something like the following:

+--- com.github.weisj:darklaf ->
|    +--- com.metsci.ext.com.kitfox.svg:svg-salamander:0.1.19
|    +--- net.java.dev.jna:jna:4.1.0
|    \--- org.swinglabs:jxlayer:3.0.4


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