I'd advise against including intranet-only JSPWikis like Kie Services in the main section, better to place them in a separate Intranet-only section to make it clear that there's no JSPWiki instance for them to see, that this is just a listing of companies happy with JSPWiki even if they can't disclose their Wikis. Right now, people click on the Kie Services link and they're taken to a website causing them to waste time clicking on its various links trying to find a JSPWiki instance, only to find none.


On 4/11/2014 6:44 AM, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:

I've added a link to
https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JSPWikiSites on the wiki home
page, as it also was linked from there on the original (=Janne's) wiki. The
page structure is taken from
http://www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki/wiki/JSPWikiSitesI've only added a few
sites from Janne's wiki b/c there were many links
down, so anyone running a JSPWiki instance out there please add a link at
https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JSPWikiSites !

juan pablo

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:42 AM, lgilardon...@gmail.com <
lgilardon...@gmail.com> wrote:


First (on my side) entry - my company (www.kie-services.com) is using
JSPWiki on its own intranet and a couple of major Italian law firms
intranet. Cannot
disclose these - they are customers of us and we have binding terms - but
will try to be able to. Btw this was since very long (2003?)


On 4/11/2014 8:05 AM, Harry Metske wrote:

sounds like a good idea to me !

On 11 April 2014 03:42, Glen Mazza <glen.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

  One easy way to raise JSPWiki's profile is to provide a page showing all
the external sites using it.  I created this for Apache Roller: "
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ROLLER/WhoUsesRoller";. To
find out Roller bloggers, I googled a text string that is usually present
on Roller's login page ("powered by apache roller weblogger version
   If JSPWiki could place a similar, non-obtrusive string on its login
(or actually anywhere, doesn't matter) googling on a monthly basis should
see an increasing number of Wikis that could be added to a
page.  Seeing all the impressive ways JSPWiki is being used is a ton of
easy advertising all by itself.


On 4/10/2014 8:54 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

  Hi folks,
the question at hand is to increase JSPWiki’s publicity - how can we do
that? Unfortunately Open Source also consists of lot of advertising
otherwise no user will ever use it :-)

* the presentation at ApacheCon 2014 was a start
* I also presented JSPWiki at my local Java User Group
* very likely I will do another presentation at the Linux Days in Vienna

but this only reaches very few people :-(

So what can we do to get more users?

* Anyone in the mood to write an article and try to publish it?
* Are there any conferences were JSPWiki can be easily presented?
* Any other and better ideas?

Thanks in advance

Siegfried Goeschl

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